Industrial Line
600W Single Output AC/DC Switch Mode Power Supply
- Product flyer

Powering immerged electronics with safety The concept of immersed data-centers emerged in 2005, and following a number of successful trials and experiments it has now become a market reality. The technology requires special caution when selecting switching power components, although manufacturing practices are very similar to those required by the marine industry in terms of robustness and the ability to endure operation in high levels of humidity or salty environments.
Product features
High reliability
Efficiency up to 93%
Compact size
Remote On/Off
Remote reset
Conformal coating
Custom features by microcontroller
OFI600A-12 models
Model # | Input voltage AC | Input voltage DCnom (min-max) |
Output power | Outputs Vnom (min-max) | Outputs A max |
ENI600A-12 | 230VAC | N/A | 600W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 50A |